Know you. Love you.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~ Aristotle “If you know yourself – if you’re willing to look objectively – that’s a good start on knowing others, since we all have much in common.” The biggest relief I … Continue reading

Everything effects everything

In case anyone out there is wondering how I came to have such a positive outlook on life, I would like to say it didn’t come easy. I suffered from depression all my life. I tried the whole med/therapy thing and NOTHING had a lasting effect. But I got tired of being tired. So I stopped.

I stopped thinking negative thoughts.

I stopped saying negative things. 

I stopped having expectations. 

I started having faith that EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT. Because it ALWAYS does. If things didn’t work out, I would be dead. So if things always work out, why do I keep doubting that they won’t? 

I started seeing the positive in EVERYTHING. I started accepting everyone and everything for what they were. Accepting does not mean you are saying something is ok, it means you are giving up your expectations and the desire to control everything. Just because you accept something also does not mean you have to keep it around. Accept it for what it is and if it does not positively impact your life. Move on. 

You know the saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it” – turns out that’s a good one! If what you are about to say (or type or txt) will not positively impact yourself or someone else, let that thought go just as quickly as it came. 



Everything effects everything. So make sure that everything you do and say only has a positive effect on everything else.

The secret to being happy is love. The more you love others and create happiness is them, the more happiness you will find in yourself. 

I love you for you. Now let’s start being the amazing and beautiful souls we were meant to be. 

Today’s Assignment: LOVE

“When you judge you project your shadows onto others, when you love you project your light.” ~ Aine Belton

Your goal for the day: TO LOVE.

That’s it. Just love. Everyone and everything. Despite whether it meets your expectations or not.

I would love to hear end of the day results from anyone who accepts this challenge. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how your day goes….


Expectations vs Acceptance

“The reality is that tomorrow is most certainly uncertain and no matter how many expectations we form, tomorrow will come, tomorrow will go and it will all be what it will be.” ~Lori Deschene

Our only true disappointments come when something does not meet our expectations. If you accept everyone and everything for it’s true-self, all that is left is love. 


Going with the flow of life

“When you catch yourself slipping into a pool of negativity, notice how it derives from nothing other than resistance to the current situation.”
– Donna Quesada

Accept everything as it is. Know that everything is impermanent, good and bad. Each moment does not build on the previous moment but exists in and of itself and will whether you are stuck in the past or focused on the future. Enjoy each of those moments, they are gifts.
