Know you. Love you.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~ Aristotle “If you know yourself – if you’re willing to look objectively – that’s a good start on knowing others, since we all have much in common.” The biggest relief I … Continue reading

Everything effects everything

In case anyone out there is wondering how I came to have such a positive outlook on life, I would like to say it didn’t come easy. I suffered from depression all my life. I tried the whole med/therapy thing and NOTHING had a lasting effect. But I got tired of being tired. So I stopped.

I stopped thinking negative thoughts.

I stopped saying negative things. 

I stopped having expectations. 

I started having faith that EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT. Because it ALWAYS does. If things didn’t work out, I would be dead. So if things always work out, why do I keep doubting that they won’t? 

I started seeing the positive in EVERYTHING. I started accepting everyone and everything for what they were. Accepting does not mean you are saying something is ok, it means you are giving up your expectations and the desire to control everything. Just because you accept something also does not mean you have to keep it around. Accept it for what it is and if it does not positively impact your life. Move on. 

You know the saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it” – turns out that’s a good one! If what you are about to say (or type or txt) will not positively impact yourself or someone else, let that thought go just as quickly as it came. 



Everything effects everything. So make sure that everything you do and say only has a positive effect on everything else.

The secret to being happy is love. The more you love others and create happiness is them, the more happiness you will find in yourself. 

I love you for you. Now let’s start being the amazing and beautiful souls we were meant to be. 

Today’s Assignment: LOVE

“When you judge you project your shadows onto others, when you love you project your light.” ~ Aine Belton

Your goal for the day: TO LOVE.

That’s it. Just love. Everyone and everything. Despite whether it meets your expectations or not.

I would love to hear end of the day results from anyone who accepts this challenge. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how your day goes….


Expectations vs Acceptance

“The reality is that tomorrow is most certainly uncertain and no matter how many expectations we form, tomorrow will come, tomorrow will go and it will all be what it will be.” ~Lori Deschene

Our only true disappointments come when something does not meet our expectations. If you accept everyone and everything for it’s true-self, all that is left is love. 


You create your reality

“Your reality is a reflection of what you believe you deserve.” 


Hell ya it is. You can be anyone you want to be and you can have anything you want to have.

“It is not enough to know what you want, you must also know why you want it, and what you will do once you have it! All those elements impact the world around you and therefore must be considered.” ~ Kathleen McGowan

“Consciously or subconsciously, we hold ourselves to account. You cannot manifest something that is not in the best interest of the world around you. That would not be honoring your place as a member of the human family. God’s family. Yes, we may ask, but we receive as a reward for living in harmony.” Shared from Inspiring Quote Of The Day

If it’s really that bad then you better be planning your funeral arrangements

“…the only unsolvable problem is death….No problems are bigger than life; they are all a part of life, and as long as we are living and breathing, we can find a way to overcome any challenge.” – Fran Tarkenton

I was just talking to My husband about this the other night. If you look back at your entire life EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM has worked itself out in the end. Yet we STILL get all upset about things and act like the world is going to end. Problems always work themselves out. ALWAYS. And the time that they don’t and the world does end. Well, you’ll be dead anyway. Fear is almost always worse then what it is you are fearing.


Have a little faith

I’ve been absent for a few days because life has just been one chaotic mess. If you don’t know, my husband and I are selling all of our things, leaving our jobs, friends and the city of Austin that we love dearly, to move to Hawaii to open a Krav Maga/CrossFit studio. Long story short  – Krav Maga and CrossFit are our passion and we can’t wait to change the world through through fitness and self-defense!


I have been absent because moving to an island in the middle of no where, trying to get a loan to start a business and figuring out how to ship our FIVE dogs over there, along with working my full time job still, has been very time consuming. And to top all of that – the Universe has been pushing me to my limits. Not a single thing has gone right in the last week. Nothing can just work the way its supposed to, it seems like everyone I interact with is incompetent in their jobs or someone didn’t pay attention to details, which leaves me completely screwed.

Needless to say, I am exhausted and have broken down many times over the last few days – all the while questioning why the universe has to make everything so freaking difficult! Why can’t anything work the way I want it to.

When I take a moment to step back and look at how things are working out –  I realize that the power of the mind really does work, I am still achieving what I have put out to the Universe, just not the way I thought I would.

The only time we are dissapointed in someone or something is when they do not meet our expectations.

If we accept people for who they are, and not who we want them to be, we would not have to go through the initial phase of dissapointment, only to later find out – they were perfect just the way they are – if we could have only accepted them that way in the first place.

And another thing…

Everything really does happen for a reason. Think back to a time something went wrong and you wondered, why you?

My boyfriend cheated on me two years ago, I was devastated. How could anyone treat someone that way?? But it also happened to be the first time I was single since I was 13 and I also just happened to be going on a cruise the following week. The same cruise that I met my husband on….

My point is, I have wasted a lot of energy being upset with the Universe this week (and this life), just to find out that it is working with me, not against me.

Keep your eyes on the prize, do everything with good intentions and hold tight to your faith, the Universe is listening…
